Kupuna Program was created in July 2021 to improve community health focusing on kupuna, post Covid-19, by addressing challenges and finding solutions to promote overall health and wellness. This includes physical and mental health, economic sustainability, as well as other socio-economic and social factors.  

Kupuna Program

Why we do what we do

Hear from Ku‘ulei Arce, MRHCA Program Coordinator, on why the MRHCA Kupuna Program is so important for the Kupuna of Moloka‘i.

Kupuna Program Services & Workshops

All programs and services are available to kupuna of Molokai, age 65 year and older.  A simple registration form is needed along with completion of our needs assessment survey.  Current services and workshops provided are listed below; subject to change.

Kupuna Program Services


  • Yard Cleaning
  • House Cleaning
  • Massage
  • Haircut
  • Podiatry
  • Optometry
  • Foot Care
Kupuna Program Workshops


  • Aromatherapy
  • Computer Training
  • Cooking
  • Crafts
  • Gerontology
  • Hula
  • Medicare Consultation
  • Painting
  • Sewing
  • Social Security
  • Stretching

Our Kupuna Program Numbers

Kupuna Registered
  • 66% Women & 34% Men
  • 92% live on their own, with 8% living with family.
  • 13% indicate they are still employed, while 5% still work full-time.
  • High blood pressure, arthritis, high cholesterol and diabetes were the highest scoring health conditions of kupuna.
  • 11% provide long-term care for a family member, with 77% indicating they have no rest/relief available.
Service Encounters
  • Massage is the top requested and utilized service, with nearly 1,500 visits. Haircut is right behind with 920 cuts.
  • Various hands-on workshops, which include computer classes, painting sessions, hula and sewing help to keep kupuna active and engaged.
  • Over 1,700 chore services were provided; 80% yard cleaning, 20% house cleaning.
Needs Assessments Collected
  • 79% of responses collected were from long term residents, 20+ years.
  • Finances and cost of living is the highest concerning issue for kupuna living on Molokai, with many indicating they are on a fixed income.
  • Health, medication and medical supplies is the second highest. Some frustrations include off-island travel for medical appointments and limited number of physicians available.

Empower Your life

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Join the Molokai Rural Health Community Association Kupuna Program and get started on a healthier tomorrow.

Or get in touch with Molokai Rural Health Community Association

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